What is ultrasonic fingure print scanner,how it works,difference between ultrasonic and optical fingure print scanner

In this world of smartphone technology we also need a security for them for which the fingerprint sensors were launched.This technology was launched to secure millions of smartphones.We have many varieties of fingerprint sensors available in the market and one of them is Ultrasonic Fingerprint Sensor.Yes,today we are going to know about Ultrasonic Fingerprint Sensor.So,lets get started.



An ultrasonic sensor is an sensor that captures the three-dimensional image of the fingerprint of the user by bouncing a sonic pulse wave off the fingertip.This sensor is best of all the fingerprint sensors including the optical in-display fingerprint sensor.This ultrasonic fingerprint sensors will work even if the fingers are wet,dirty or greasy.Qualcomm announced this 3d in-display fingerprint sensor back in December,2018.This technology works with Qualcomm's Snapdragon 855 platform but only if the manufacturer wants to add the extra hardware.

How does it work ?

Sense ID is the term on which this Qualcomm's 3d in-display fingerprint scanner is based on.Ultrasonic fingerprint sensors work by sending out high frequency ultrasonic fingerprint sensor.We can't hear that sound,but these waves captures out the details of the user's fingerprint.The hardware of this fingerprint consists of two components : transmitter and a receiver.When the fingerprint is placed on the sensor,it receives an an ultrasonic pulse.Some pressure is bounced back whereas some are absorbed by the sensor which depends upon the placement of pores,ridges and other details as well that makes each fingerprint unique.It creates an detailed 3d prints and additional depth data if fingerprint placed for longer time.

What Qualcomm says:

The company says that it takes about 250-millisecond latency for unlocking the device which is roughly equivalent to the regular capacitive fp sensors.The error rate of this scanners is very less that is about only 1%,which again makes it a winner as compared to other sensors.The Ultrasonic fingerprint technology also allows the scanner to be operated through thin materials(plastic,glass and aluminium).

As we have seen that the capacitive fp scanner can only capture 2d images which makes ultrasonic fingerprint different from other scanners.Even 3d details are hard to capture as compared to 2d details captured in capacitive scanners,which makes ultrasonic more secure.After knowing all this,it clearly shows that its best security option.



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