What is android security patch explained

Hello realme fans,

If you are an Android user, you may have seen that every once in a while your smartphone that prompts you to update your smartphone. It may be possible that it consists of great features provided or you may expect some new changes into your phone. But, at the end of the day it ended up being an "exhausting" Android security patch update!

There are lots of bug that exploits out there and new ones are being discovered every now and then. It's pretty decent that you may not like to update your smartphone just for a security patch update but let me tell you Android Security Patch plays a very crucial role in keeping your data safe and secure. Let me give you a broader idea on what are the benefits of Android Security Patch Update.

What is Android Security Patch Update?
Monthly device updates are an important tool to keep Android users safe and protect their devices. Security Patch refers to the supporting data so as to fix or improve it. It contains fixing security vulnerabilities just as different bugs. Like the data has gotten the central contrasts, security likewise got a similar significance. While a security patch is actualized in an Android smartphone, it makes the security part pretty fast, that looks for the authorization for location, camera, and so on.

Why companies takes time to roll Security Patch Update?
Android is an immense tangled arrangement of source codes. It is more like an independent product, as somebody needs to construct the complete product from those sources and disseminate it. Google has a few guidelines about how this ought to be done should an organization need to incorporate its administrations, yet OEMs have a long rope on how the last product is made. The security patch update is done in 3 different phases.

Phase 1:
This code is the place a security fix springs up. Somebody, be it a security analyst or only a normal person, finds a security bug in a smartphone that could be utilized to reduce the phones's security layer. In the event that issue isn't something an OEM made, the Android Team is then entrusted to discover what's going on, why it's going on, and how to fix it at all problematic way. After an extensive research, the Android Team fixes the loop hole in the Android system. When Google is sure that they have a legitimate fix for a security flaw, each OEM that makes Android smartphone is given early access (approximately 30 days before the fix is made open by Google) so they can get the time to work on their own customized software.

Phase 2:
Then comes another phase where Google provides patches to the OEMs where the companies will merge the required portion of the code with their custom Android source code then build it and start testing it. When I say building and testing, it takes a lot of headache for OEM's to go for because it may be possible there are some function that may stop working or some random bugs occurs. The testing may incorporate getting system engineers of the company to try and test functionalities as much as possible, just as having Google and additionally the maker of any part once again in with the general mush-mash just because it has to be right.

Phase 3:
Then comes the final stage of rolling out the update, the rolling process normally occurs in batches just like a few bunch of lucky users may receive early too because of server limitation and reaching to millions of user takes a lot of time.

Why should you care about Android Security Patch Update?
Security patch doesn't really bring up any new visual feature to your smartphone rather it comes with extra layer of security beyond the application layer, the Security Patch works to help keep devices safe from the inside. Application sand-boxing isolates and guards every Android app, stopping other apps from accessing your private information. Google also protect access to internal operating system components, which helps prevent bugs from becoming exploitable. Finally, full on-device encryption keeps data safe, even when devices are lost just that you personal data remains private and safe.

Let's take an example that you installed an app on your smartphone. And that application may request a username and password. If you don't have updated Android Security Patch, it may be possible that a bug could exist where on the off chance that you entered the username and password and entered into the app. This may sound so unrealistic, yet it has really occurred that there are so many bugs present on the internet which enables unapproved access to your private information. In any case, fundamentally, a blunder in the application enables a hacker to obtain entry to your private data where they shouldn't have. When these bugs are observed they should be fixed rapidly and conveyed quickly to ensure users data remains secure.

And by the way, are you worried that even after having the latest updated version of your OS, you have an older version of Android Security Patch? In that case, let me clear your query. Like I said above the roll out of Android Security Patch is done in phases, it may be possible you would have to receive the updated patch a bit later. But worry not, even if you are using an older version of Android Security Patch let's assume 3 to 4 months older than also you don't have to worry much about your security, your device is safe and secure, the private still remains private to you only.


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